07 May 2011

Apple of my eye

Name: Nur Qeisya Mohd Asrul
DOB: 01 May 2011 / 27 Jamadilawwal 1432
POB: Prince Court Medical Centre
Weight: 3.52kg
Height: 52cm
Head Circumference: 36cm
Type of Delivery: SVD
Obstetrician: Dr. Seri Suniza


mE™ said...

congratzz..!! to you n u'r hubby..
to the little princess...welcome to the world..!!

M@YaZ said...

Tahniah ina~!

Afida Anuar said...

Muka ina..sejibik!.. he he.

nnti aunty fida dtg lawat Qeisya eh...alololo..tembamnya pipi....

Shy Syaz said...

congratz ina n asrul..
comelnye baby kamu.
bile dh abes pantang nnt bgtau..nk dtg melawat.. :)
selamat berpantang