23 May 2008

in the name of GOD, most GRACIOUS most MERCYFUL

hurm.. hurm.. hurm.. hurm..
how to start? where to start? hurm....
eyh why i'm doing this blogging nyway? im not kind of person who
love-to-write, i never write dairies though.. and i never good in writing *malay nor english*..
sarah said she do blogging bcoz she want to share with other what she did/ taught.. and i think most ppl got the same reason rite? or maybe some ppl use this platform to express their feelings *love/ angry/ sad/ happy/ etc*... err, but me? i dont share my feelings with everybody.. sooo why am i doing this? anyone? pls gimme an answer..? ? ?
this is my very 1st try, or its the last.. huhu.. it could be rite? only God knows.. =))

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